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About Our Founder

     From an early age, I was immersed in the importance of education. My mother, an educator herself, taught me that the only way to be successful in the world is to have the unquestioned qualifications in my chosen field. My stepfather, a Baptist minister, also instilled those same qualities as he echoed the teachings of my mother.


     In my experience growing up in the small rural community of Helena, Arkansas, the church was the foundation of my way of life. I was grounded in the weight religion and education held in molding the strong minds of our most influential leaders. Although my upbringing was strict, I grew up in a home of love. My interpretation of the world came to me via television, the newspaper, school, and the sanctuary. Even though I never had all the beautiful things I saw on television, or in magazines,

I never wanted for anything, and I admire my parents for
making that possible.

     I always admired Oprah Winfrey. She has become so successful and known by so many people that sometimes, when I say that, it seems like a cliché, but it really is the truth. I can remember reading about her meager beginnings and noticing how similar our backgrounds are. I told myself, I can do that; I can be a success. Although I knew I wanted to be successful, I really did not know how I would get there. I did not know what the possibilities were or how to achieve my potential.

     Before anything, I think that most children dream of making their parents proud in their adulthood; I was no different. I took on some government jobs looking for the stability the state had to offer. After President Bill Clinton’s election to the White House, I found myself learning more about government and how it functioned. Through this
work, I began to take interests in many governmental
functions, but there was something missing. I still had
this vision of Oprah Winfrey in the back of my head.

     One event in particular put me on the path to
leadership earlier than I had expected to arrive there.
While working on an event, I met Mr. Michael Seligman,
who gave me good instructions and advice about how to
follow the proper channels and earn everything I wanted
in life. Through that experience, I found my interests and
developed many of the talents I would need to move
forward with my career. I attempted a few projects on
my own, and quickly realized that production would be
my forte.  I had the drive for success, and I believed in the
projects that I created, but I was not prepared for the turn my life would take soon after I decided the career path I would follow. One summer, I fell ill, and was then diagnosed with a life threatening kidney disorder. My doctors told me that the prognosis was bleak, and that I should not anticipate surviving this disease. After surgery and chemotherapy, I was at my weakest point, but I refused to give up. Simply having the opportunity to tell this story is a testament to my fortitude. When I finally got healthy, I realized how important life is. I finally got it. I finally realized how important an opportunity for life is for all people.


     Through this difficult time in my life, there were certain people who stood by me and never let me down, my doctors, my parents and my Morehouse Family quickly
coming to mind. Not only are they the same people who
gave me my instructions for life, but now they were my
inspiration to be successful. I wanted to prove to them that I could make it even past this disease. I had to show them that God saved me for a reason. I knew that I had a purpose now, and I had to have the convictions to make it a reality.


     I am to the point now, where I have not only influenced my personal environment, but I have begun to influence many other lives and establishments. I have created a company with far reaching projects, and I realize that I have the potential to change lives in a tangible way.
I want that potential to be more than that. I want it to be a
reality for so many.

     In the end, I would like to see the corporation I have
developed grow into a successful and influential entity,
changing the face of society for the greater good. This would be the defining moment; this would make my story real. I have many resources at my disposal to achieve this goal.  If I could be remembered in any way, I would like people to remember a kind and compassionate man who had a dream of humanity and made it a reality. I think it is important that I be remembered in this way, because I think it defines the type of success that I want to achieve. To me, achieving this type of success would be my way of thanking all those people who believed in me and taught me so much. I would be showing them that I could not have made it here without them.

Who am I now? I am Mark Dodd. I am a young man from
Arkansas whose life was enriched by struggle and wanted to help turn the struggles of the world into good fortune. When I am older and look back on my life or read it in a book somewhere, I am sure this is how it would begin.





 Our foundation educates, inspires and uplifts,

working endlessly to assist in this global epidemic.

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